Knit crochet sweater? 40s 30s what to call it?


Don't know exactly what to call it, sweater, bolero?

I think it is missing buttons since it has 4 button holes,

Neat pattern done in all squares, the sleeves were made by making the squares in a step? like pattern and then tucking the corners in and stitching to make a unique panel type feature? I tried to picture this.

I don't know the terms used here or what to call it or date.

I think it is all wool or wool mixed with cotton, maybe linen and cotton. There is no sheen to the yarn of any sort and it is not itchy like wool but not as soft as cotton. Hope that helps.

I was thinking late 30s early 40s? or am I wayyyyyyy off here?

Thank you!!!!





The close up picture of the flowers closely resembles a single crochet stitch and not a "knit". I do a ton of crochet, but I'm certainly no expert! Super cute, though!
To me it looks like a wool embroidery. Very interesting, reminds me of the embroidery on the 60s and 70s Mexican dresses although those are not wool but cotton. I can see why you are thinking late 30s, early 40s, with that puff in the shoulder.

An unusual little piece, looks like it may have been made from an early knitting pattern book.
yeah, the person who brought it to me got it out of a trunk with a lot of older stuff, but that doesn't mean anything.

So perhaps 60s from an old pattern?
yeah did a burn test pretty sure wool. sharp smell, not a strong as most wools I am used to but still hair like smell. brittle black ash and it didnt burn pat tongs, burnt reather quick and took it a second to catch. did not burn like cotton. I was actually torn between acrylic and wool.... because it did not curl back, but I had a very smal piece to test due to no spare fabric. there is no sheen to this so I think its wool still...

thank you! looks like someone cut squares from a woven fabric and pieced them patchwork style with crochet stitches then crocheted a border THEN embroidered over it. Very cool! I bet it is wool. Aside from the burn test which does indicate wool, wool accepts dye beautifully and the color of your cropped cardigan is so rich and saturated. Sometimes I can guess wool just from the color but that is not a definative method by any means...

ty all..... will better pictures help?

I am positive it is not new..... came out of a trunk at an estate sale ..... it was with some clothes nothing newer than 60s.... that doesn't gurantee its not new but highly unlikely
Originally posted by TangerineBoutique looks like someone cut squares from a woven fabric and pieced them patchwork style with crochet stitches then crocheted a border THEN embroidered over it.

Makes me wonder if it's a war era Make Do And Mend kind of thing. I've seen a few 1940s patterns for how to rework your old sweater/clothes into something new.

I'd call it a cardigan. It's really lovely. I'm hardly the most experienced dater but looks late 30s / 40s to me, both the sleeves and the collar shape.
