L.A. Fashion Week

thanks for posting, Chris! :hiya:

these can be entertaining, but sometimes the reviewers get so darn nippy :horny:

i think Paris looks lovely with sheer black stockings, but i do agree Juliette Lewis and Raven have lost their minds :wacko:
I thought #26 Brooke Mueller looked adorable.

In general, the array of gigundo LA boobs reminded me of the SATC episode where Samantha holds up the cantaloupes to her chest.

I'm constantly amazed that 'stars' actually PAY 'stylists' to dress them in some of these getups.
Snippy is right! I thought there were more cute outfits than not...And what's the big problem with denim? Maybe I'm a little too simple.
I agree about the snippiness - since when are stockings ever unnecessary. Okay, maybe down the beach - but I thought Paris looked lovely in her sister's frock and if she wants to bring her partner along, why is he "unnecessary" as well?

I think it's funny that the ones who look the worst are the ones following the current '80s trend. And some of them just look plain ordinary.