L\'Aiglon dresses
I love these L'Aiglon dresses. Somewhere I have some vintage magazines with L'Aiglon ads that state "in a fine department store near you". Was going to try to find the mags before I listed the dresses, but they are tucked away in a box behind a bunch of other boxes and I knew that if I spent the time looking for them, I wouldn't get them listed in time for this month's VTA...
Now these three dresses have been in my own closet for many years - just have not had an opportunity to wear them. Now I'm in the midst of a mini-purge and have decided that these should have a new home...
Spring daisy dress
<img src="http://photos.imageevent.com/cgreeb/ebay/websize/Img_6689.jpg"><br></p>
(I've got some coordinating earrings in another auction)
Sheer embroiderd floral dress
<img src="http://photos.imageevent.com/cgreeb/ebay/websize/Img_0834.jpg"><br></p>
Windowpane plaid dress
<img src="http://photos.imageevent.com/cgreeb/ebay/websize/Img_5312.jpg"><br></p>
The plaid dress is in my mall store. Fluff (the cat) is not for sale - LOL!
I like this label because the styling is classic and tailored. And even though all of these dresses are from the mid-60's, I think they have a timeless quality about them and could be easily worn today.
I love these L'Aiglon dresses. Somewhere I have some vintage magazines with L'Aiglon ads that state "in a fine department store near you". Was going to try to find the mags before I listed the dresses, but they are tucked away in a box behind a bunch of other boxes and I knew that if I spent the time looking for them, I wouldn't get them listed in time for this month's VTA...
Now these three dresses have been in my own closet for many years - just have not had an opportunity to wear them. Now I'm in the midst of a mini-purge and have decided that these should have a new home...
Spring daisy dress
<img src="http://photos.imageevent.com/cgreeb/ebay/websize/Img_6689.jpg"><br></p>
(I've got some coordinating earrings in another auction)
Sheer embroiderd floral dress
<img src="http://photos.imageevent.com/cgreeb/ebay/websize/Img_0834.jpg"><br></p>
Windowpane plaid dress
<img src="http://photos.imageevent.com/cgreeb/ebay/websize/Img_5312.jpg"><br></p>
The plaid dress is in my mall store. Fluff (the cat) is not for sale - LOL!
I like this label because the styling is classic and tailored. And even though all of these dresses are from the mid-60's, I think they have a timeless quality about them and could be easily worn today.