Lanvin silk skirt?

Ana Manfredi

Registered Guest
Hello everyone! I just purchased this silk skirt at a good will store in my town.
I would like to know if it's couture or high end, seems it's made with expensive silk and its really well constructed.
Has a number printed in the label, 04506, I don't know what it could mean, but I've seen it before in other labels online.
If anyone has an idea of what period it might be that would be great too!
Also if anyone has an idea of pricing for it, it's super small for me. It's in great condition, only has s tiny detail on the lining next to the zipper.
Any help it's great for me!
Ty so much in advance!!


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Hi Ana, and welcome to the forums. If you check the VFG Label resource you will see that we don't have that specific label listed but it shares some elements with some '60s labels so that's a clue. See here.

Skirts can be hard to date, so construction details like zippers and how the hems and seams are sewn are helpful. You can read some tips here. If you can tell us - or photograph - these details we can probably help more. Your skirt was likely part of a two piece set, with a matching top or jacket originally. It seems to have some handsewing although I can't tell where abouts on the skirt it is situated but it might indicate an alteration.

I hope that helps.
Hi Ana, and welcome to the forums. If you check the VFG Label resource you will see that we don't have that specific label listed but it shares some elements with some '60s labels so that's a clue. See here.

Skirts can be hard to date, so construction details like zippers and how the hems and seams are sewn are helpful. You can read some tips here. If you can tell us - or photograph - these details we can probably help more. Your skirt was likely part of a two piece set, with a matching top or jacket originally. It seems to have some handsewing although I can't tell where abouts on the skirt it is situated but it might indicate an alteration.

I hope that helps.
Ty so much!
I onservated that, the skirt does not have 3 seams, one on each side and then the zipper, but it has only 2. One on the left side and the zipper one. I also saw that the zipper looks vintage, do what you said about beeing 60's makes sense.
The hem was sew by hand, the pattern of the fabric ends right about 2 inches after the hem starts, so most of the hem, that it's actually very wide (also why I think you were right about the alteration), it's plain black. I'll attach some pictures and close up of the zipper, and hem. I also found some white cross stitch, that I think could indicate that it was took to clean, (in my country in the 50, and 60s dry cleaners would attach the name of the client on a card by sewing it to the garment)
(Also, sorry for my English)
I hope pictures will help!


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