Large Necklaces - and Cuffs

Very inspiring~

I'm trying to find the "perfect" necklace / earrings to wear to wedding. I don't dress up often, but I'm looking to try something fun and new~
Oh, there is something fabulous jewellery there, but also some absolute horrors. Just because you *can* string loads of bangles on a leather thong and tie it around your neck it doesn't mean you *should*. I dunno, maybe it's just me getting old and stuck in my ways!
Quite honestly this over the "over the top" look doesn't appeal to me, either. I just wanted to share.

I have this one "large" necklace in my personal collection that I think is great - otherwise my pieces are much, much smaller in scale.


I wish I could wear necklaces - the back of my neck and head are very sensitive and a necklace or haltertop = headache within half an hour. Even pulling my hair into a ponytail can be problematic.

I make up for it with earrings, bracelets and pins. I covet some of those cuff bracelets, although I don't love the look of wearing a matching pair. A little too Wonder Woman.
Cuffs have never particularly bonged my tuning fork, personally, and a few of the necklaces didn't look very artful to me. The woman with the pointy metal starfish so close to her exposed, vulnerable neck kind of gave me the willies.

But I'm a big fan of Bill Cunningham and love him for his unaffected enthusiasm. And he does spot trends.
Oh such good timing! I am working on a blog post about my latest obsession with gigantic cuffs from the 30s - leather and studs. and how the gigantic statement pieces were unabashedly paired with sophisticated clothing, but it never looked too much, not on the screen anyway.

I love that he also talked about taking old jewelry and making something new as some of the designers that Shrimpton Couture are doing. Love this! Thanks for the inpsiration.
Thanks, Joan -

I'm not sure what the flowers are supposed to be. The necklace is mostly Celluloid - the red portions are Bakelite. It's C. 1930's. I think the flowers look more like camelias than gardenias but they may just be a fantasy flower.

I really enjoy this piece but it is the only "large" necklace that I have and pales in comparison to some of the ones in the NYTimes feature. I do wear multiple Bakelite bangles - mixing colors to match my outfits, but they take up the space of one largish cuff!!!!
