Let Us Now Sing the Praises of Orvus! (washing delicates)


VFG Member
Boy, everyone is doing laundry today. It's a laundry party!

I am using Orvus for the first time, and I am loving it. It's safe for silk and it's amazing to see the disgusting color of the rinse water on some of the older pieces I thought were a total loss but now have a promising second life ahead of them.

I bought a big jar of Orvus WA paste at Lacis (and also something called "Restore" for cottons, supposed to be better than oxy; I haven't tried it yet), but I going through the Orvus faster than expected--has anyone tried buying the humongo size from P&G on Amazon?

Any tips on how often to change the dirty water out?

I bought my extra large Orvus at the local Feeders Supply - they sell it as dogwash. And it's a LOT cheaper as dogwash than as quilt soap!

when you rinse in cold water - try adding salt and vinegar to set the dye on those silks. It did wonders on a lot of handpainted ties I washed. I laid them absolutely flat to dry, and not a dye run among them

I've been singing the praises of Orvus for years - I'm always happy to hear of another 'convert' :)

I bought a 'humongo' jar (at a tack shop) 5? 6? years ago & at the rate I'm going it'll last me forever. Yes, my Orvus is going to outlast ME ~


Whoa there--

I took a closer look at the huge jar of Orvus offered by Amazon. It says the shipping weight is 36 lbs -- but how much product is in that jar? Can't be 36 lbs. (can it?).

The jar I have is 7.5 lbs, and that's a lotta Orvis.

I've heard people speak of Orvis before,
I didn't realize I could buy it from a tack
or feed supply store.

Is it a paste or a liquid?
Orvus shortenings and powders!

Tack shops and feed supply stores!!

Dogwash vs. quilt soap!!!

I LOVE THE VFG!!! :kiss2:
