Liberty of London Scarf - Pink Oyster Print


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Made a trip to the Buy-the-Pound today - found some fun stuff.

Im particularily interested in my Liberty of London silk scarf - it is pink with a print of line drawings of oysters on it. I can't find anything about it online... dunno if it is hot or not! I sure think its cool, but Im not a scarf wearer.

It seems to me the subject matter is interesting enough to make it valuable.

is there a site anywhere for dating/identifying L of L scarves?

Its too late and dark to take a pic but if you want pix I can upload tomorrow.

I don't know if Liberty of London is an "old" establishment. I know that they are a current label at target, and most of thier line is a 1960s throwback look. Cute line, nice prices.

They may have been around longer, but I am unsure, hopefully someone with more knowledge will happen by.
Libery of London is a very high end store that used to be steeped in tradition, very classic and expensive. They are known for there beautiful prints. I would love to see the scarf it sounds very unusual.
Hahah, I should know better and check our resource first!

I do know that a Liberty of London is a Target line, my mother bought a cute 60s style layered dress not even 3 weks ago. I remeber the name because my daughter's name is Liberty and my Mom said she HAD to get THAT dress... do yall suppose it is the same one? Or a division or an entirely different entity all together?
Quick search, for personal reasons, hasrevealed it is the same Liberty of London for target. However the clothign is only Liberty "prints" not Liberty fabrics... so I answered my own question lol
Thanks - the label resource helps - though they may have gone back to lowercase letters at some time... but it doesnt have that post-80s all caps font.

As for Target, like H&M, they often get a famous designer or brand to do cheaper versions of their stuff for their store (like Dwell Sheets). When I researched this scarf I saw lots of 'Liberty for Target' stuff. But this for sure isn't any of that... it says Made in England on the label too.

Im uploading the pics now!

It does have some pin holes in the middle - I have to go look up how to get those out. Maybe just an ironing will do.
I believe it may be more contemporary, but that is only a guess. The edges are machine-stitched, and I am used to seeing hand-rolled ones, in the silk Liberty of London scarves that I own. Pinholes are problematic, if they have been pierced directly through the threads of the weave, and broken them.
The design is very fun.
The store in London actually has a champagne and oyster bar!
Can you believe... I FINALLY got around to posting this scarf on Ebay. I got ladi off of work a couple weeks ago, so it seemed a good time to put up some stuff on Ebay that I had't gotten around to (most of my stuff goes on Etsy, but when you need cash in a flash....)

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