Lingerie, Sun suit Help

Good morning again! Some help with these pieces would be very welcome. These wer found at a private sale of a lady who had kept keepsakes from her earlier life in the 1920s-70s. These baffle me. The first pink silk crepe and black lace is so tiny, hips 30" and bra top 18" but maybe it has lost some elastic from the back. Does anyone know the name on the tag? Do you think it was a sample? It seems a little adult for a person of that size? The second is home made, no tag, and Im not sure what it is? A sun suit maybe from the 40s but the style of the top seems more modern. They both had been stored for a long time. Not sure how to list them. Thank you for the read and your time. Any info will be great.



The lingerie definitely looks 30s to me and I have had lingerie that was similar to this and very tiny. Not familiar with that particular label. The cut of the panties is especially nice and so is the black trim as the trim is usually a similar color to the silk.

The sun suit looks like a late 30s or early 40s print, it actually reminds me of one of my old favorite prints on a silk crepe dress I wore to death. It probably had a pair of shorts and maybe a little jacket or shirt that could be tied up as well to wear over it. What is the fabric on this set?
Thank you so much Mary Jane for your help. The fabric is a mystery, Im not sure its rayon, probably a blend. I will try and find some info on fabrics used in the 30s. The content and weave reminds me of vintage curtain fabric! Thank you again.
Bikinis didn't come in until the late 40's so the sun suit couldn't be earlier than that. The lingerie is confusing. I've never seen high cut pants like that in the 30's but the bra does look to be 30's 40's. Weird.
I agree that the lingerie is '30s and wonder if the small size indicates it was a professional sample, not meant to be worn? Even young children are more than 18" around the chest and if loose elastic was a problem it would be bigger, not smaller. Certainly the proportions on your mannequin don't look right - you can see the straps want to be closer together.

Regarding the sun suit/bikini, when I saw the pants on the other thread I was struck by high cut the legs are but I have seen '40s swimwear cut like that (almost like a nappy/diaper) and they look fine on the mannequin - I've also had '30s and '40s fabrics like that but as grandmascloset points out, they weren't invented until later - although there seems to be a bit of argument about when bikinis were invented, there are different versions and I've seen versions in adverts that pre-date the late '40s. So, umm, yeah, I'll go with '40s. I think they're rayon - they won't be silk and you could tell if it was wool or cotton so that leaves rayon.

Thank you all! Well it seems like the lingerie is 30s and could be a sample, I was wondering about that as the size was so tiny. I also think that the bottoms may have been shortened and new elastic added at some point. The sun suit is I believe 40s (and rayon) with the button side pants and top. Home made so I suppose she could make it as skimpy as she wanted. Mary Jane said it may have come with a shirt or shorts. Thank you Grandmascloset and Nichole for all your insights and everyone else who participated.