Links/Resources for dating Millitary issue. Govt contract ??


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
Here I am again asking about millitary issue items.

So I thought I would ask my question and then if anyone has any general links or recommended books they can just add it on to the bottom of the thread.

Does anyone know where i can look up a government contract #???

I am trying to date this peacoat. It is an authentic US Coast Guard Pea Coat. After researching, this is not the current standard issue. Its not "brand new" even though it is in nearly new condition, but yet its not "old" either. (the details is just exquisite, and if it fit me or DH, i would be keeping it...could work unisex i would imagine to)

If I could take a wild stab in the dark i would say at least 8-10 years old, but younger than 25-30. (oh, i know that is so narrow isn't it?)

Maybe I am being too scientific and am trying to be too picky by dating it more closely.

(and now that i have my man-aquin, i am going to try to get better pics too)

<img src="" width=406 height=236>

I measured it and despite being a 38, is not as small as one would think.


Unfortunately, utilitarian nature of collar does not completely give a clue on date unless you are abreast of the minutiae of uniforms.



Any stabs in the dark??

I don't know how to date it, personally, but I've had friendly and helpful responses on dating military-uniform pieces, when asking for help at eBay's Historical Memorabilia, discussion board.

Thanks Steph!

I went over there and asked, and because it is not antique, to call my local US Coast Station and ask to speak with the quartermaster. The quartermaster would know about that kind of stuff and might be able to tell me when the contract was. I feel a little like "oh no, I don't want to BOTHER them, they are busy" but I think its worth a shot. The worst thing that can happen is that they don't know.
