listing help for grown up bo peep prom dress...


VFG Secretary

asked about this a while back and am about to list - but it's sunday evening and all i really want to do is watch desperate housewives and then go to bed :BAGUSE: - so i am struggling!

i think the weird colour variations is ombre - is that right? and how would you go about describing it?

TIA!! :)
I remember that dress!

You know what that effect reminds me of with all the multi colors? almost the inside of an abalone shell. The lighter bits. Mother of Pearl has some of thise pink and blue etc undertones as well, but most people are expecting that creamy color....hmmm......
The anti-goth dress. Coffin pleating at its best!

Dracula's Bride

I am in a bad mood so a little morbid, I guess.:(
Mercy! Talk about Scarlet O'Hara's infamous curtain dress! You have the infamous 'Tiered Valance Layer' Dress. Or maybe it's more of a 'wedding cake dress'! :P

No doubt though, someone is going to love it!!

Good luck and have fun with it :bouncy:

I was thinking about a fancy curtain at a ritzy theater. Maybe a Busby Berkley type of thing where all the ladies would come out as swans...
I think ombre is correct. Yes, I think you have the shirred valance dress!
All kidding aside, Harriet, it is a a very unique dress. The bodice is a flattering style. There will be someone out there that has just the occasion for it