Listing Lots of Dresses, Making Room for New Stock!


VFG Member
A couple nice dresses in larger sizes now listed on eBay, and several more to come this week, all inexpensively priced. I just HAVE to free up some space! And, at the bottom, my 70's disco dress experiment!

<a href="">Sophisticated Silk Dress Sz Large</a>


<a href="">Cotton Day Dress, size XL</a>

<a href="">Disco Dolly Dress</a>

This one has had numerous hits since I listed it last night, and has watchers already. If it sells, I'll be mighty surprised!
I had a 'disco dolly' dress listed and it went on a BIN in about 12 hours. I was very shocked - and yours is even better. All lovely Anne, will watch with interest what happens!