Little Girls Fur Hat and Muff Set

While I remember, I wanted to post this. I picked up this set for 50 cents at a garage sale awhile back and it has been sitting. I keep meaning to ask here about it. The woman who was selling it said it was hers when she was "a very little girl" and she also told me she is now 71 years old. The muff is tiny - it just fit a six year olds hands but the hat wouldnt go over her hair! :)

I know zero about fur but am assuming, of course, that this is fake fur - it is shedding - think I still have some up my nose! It is very soft and actually not in bad condition for how old I think the set may be. Can anyone confirm the time period when girls would have worn something like this? Hat has a little ball on top. Muff has an sort of creepy little fox head on it...dont mean to offend but it creeps me out staring at me with those little steel ball eyes.

Sorry for awful pics. No children in the house and no neighbors that I can round up right now. Hope you can get the you think this is really as old as the woman indicated?





Inside of Hat (I am learning Rue :)


Thanks again - twice today! I knew if I didn't post now while I am thinking about it, it could be another six months before I think of it again.


That a little fake ermine head, minus his black tip tail. these muffs were popular for little girls at various times throughout the 20th century, and very much so in the 1940's and 1950's. I had one in the early 1960's made of rabbit fur, with matching hat of course. Mine did not have an ermine head.

They do appear to be faux fur, but the muff looks a bit more "real" to me than the hat. I usually see these in real fur, so this must have been made for the middle class shopper on a budget. Cute.
The muff is what is shedding and you are right - they actually do look a little different from each other now that you mention it. Muff is much softer.

Thanks so much!