Looking for help with vintage costume jewelry identification


Registered Guest
Hello I'm Kevin and i received some vintage costume jewelry after my grandmother's passing and I really don't know much about it at all. Some pieces are signed, some are not and I'm not sure where to go from here. Was wondering if anyone can help with dating, designer and or Value.Thanks!
Ruby chain.jpg
Big diamonds.jpg
Big pearl.jpg
Blue silver 2.jpg
Yellow earings.jpg
Pendant diamond.jpg
Red star.jpg
Diamond earings2.jpg
Nice collection, Kevin. Looks like mostly mid-century (50s-60s) jewelry. I like the Florenza choker with it's Victorian Revival book chain style.

You don't mention what designers there are, but I believe I see a Lisner fob and possibly some Coro. As to value, the best thing to do is to google some of the names and see what comparable items are selling for. The earrings may do better if listed in lots (if you're looking to sell).
Hi Kevin,

Condolences on your Grandmother's passing. We can try to help you with dating and identifying the maker on your pieces but we do not give values.

It would help if you could show the front and backs of each piece near one another and any marks. Frequently the construction of the back or the way it is finished is very helpful in determining the maker or when it was made. A lot of costume jewelry was not made by the company that "signed" it but purchased from jobbers. That said, most of the pieces you have shown are from the 1950's - 1960s; and some of the earrings and one of the necklaces could be from the late 1940s.

The first necklace, marked Florenza is late 1950's - early 1960's. The second one "might" be Schreiner but could you show us the front, please? The rhinestone necklace is Lisner; again 1950s; the one with the pearl drop is from about the same period - possibly late 40's - early '50s. The red rhinestone earrings and the last pair look like D&E (DeLizza & Elster) C. 1960's ; I think the drop with the pearls is either Florenza or Art, but again if you can show the fronts and the backs and any marks it will really help.

edited: Cross-posted with Laura!
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Nice collection, Kevin. Looks like mostly mid-century (50s-60s) jewelry. I like the Florenza choker with it's Victorian Revival book chain style.

You don't mention what designers there are, but I believe I see a Lisner fob and possibly some Coro. As to value, the best thing to do is to google some of the names and see what comparable items are selling for. The earrings may do better if listed in lots (if you're looking to sell).
Hi thank you so much for your reply I very much appreciate it! I tried to Google some of the pieces and on some of them I had no luck at all and on some others like that florenza bookmark piece I only found one person that had a picture of it and it was on eBay and they were trying to sell it for $288 or something around that those lines. I'm really trying to see if I should keep some pieces that are rare or try to sell them to someone that actually wants them and would take care of them. As for right now they're just sitting in a couple pewter boxes that I received them in and I think it's such a waste for them to be sitting in the closet. Again thank you so much for your reply I'm going to take more pictures of the backs of the pieces to see if that helps with the identification process. Have a great day and thank you again!
Hi Kevin,

Condolences on your Grandmother's passing. We can try to help you with dating and identifying the maker on your pieces but we do not give values.

It would help if you could show the front and backs of each piece near one another and any marks. Frequently the construction of the back or the way it is finished is very helpful in determining the maker or when it was made. A lot of costume jewelry was not made by the company that "signed" it but purchased from jobbers. That said, most of the pieces you have shown are from the 1950's - 1960s; and some of the earrings and one of the necklaces could be from the late 1940s.

The first necklace, marked Florenza is late 1950's - early 1960's. The second one "might" be Schreiner but could you show us the front, please? The rhinestone necklace is Lisner; again 1950s; the one with the pearl drop is from about the same period - possibly late ; 40's - early '50s. The red rhinestone earrings and the last pair look like D&E (DeLizza & Elster) C. 1960's ; I think the drop with the pearls is either Florenza or Art, but again if you can show the fronts and the backs and any marks it will really help.

edited: Cross-posted with Laura!
Hi Kevin,

Condolences on your Grandmother's passing. We can try to help you with dating and identifying the maker on your pieces but we do not give values.

It would help if you could show the front and backs of each piece near one another and any marks. Frequently the construction of the back or the way it is finished is very helpful in determining the maker or when it was made. A lot of costume jewelry was not made by the company that "signed" it but purchased from jobbers. That said, most of the pieces you have shown are from the 1950's - 1960s; and some of the earrings and one of the necklaces could be from the late 1940s.

The first necklace, marked Florenza is late 1950's - early 1960's. The second one "might" be Schreiner but could you show us the front, please? The rhinestone necklace is Lisner; again 1950s; the one with the pearl drop is from about the same period - possibly late ; 40's - early '50s. The red rhinestone earrings and the last pair look like D&E (DeLizza & Elster) C. 1960's ; I think the drop with the pearls is either Florenza or Art, but again if you can show the fronts and the backs and any marks it will really help.

edited: Cross-posted with Laura!
Hello Linn thank you so much for your condolences and your reply! I very much appreciate your help. I'm going to take more pictures of the backside of the pieces so hopefully that will help with the identification process. As in the monetary value aspect, I absolutely understand where you're coming from in not giving any idea of value but I honestly was just wondering if I had any rare pieces that I should keep or would they be better off with someone that's going to wear them or have them in a collection they have. They're just sitting in some boxes that I received them in and they're in the closet pretty much collecting dust unfortunately. While I think there are beautiful and the craftsmanship on some of them are extraordinary I don't know much about costume jewelry or jewelry in general. Just the basics so any information you could give helps and I so do appreciate it. I'm going to take the pictures of the backs of the pieces and repost them so hopefully that helps with dating and identification. Thank you again for your time!