Looking for ideas on documenting a small '60s/'70s label

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Chatter - Anything and everything' started by sunny dunes, Nov 9, 2023.

  1. sunny dunes

    sunny dunes Registered Guest

    Third post here. Love the forum/resource so much!

    Sort of a strange question ...

    I have quite a few pieces and merchandise relating to the (originally French) Beverly Hills designer brand of the '60s/'70s called Eres (not the swimwear brand). My wife and I knew the owners before they passed away, and wound up buying a lot of their stock that they were liquidating when they sold everything in the '90s (and sold the rights to the name to the swimwear company). Being the keeper of this stuff, I feel like I should document all the labels, designs, notepads, hangers, etc. just for posterity. I'm looking for brainstorming/ideas on how to do this, or examples of people doing it before. Of course huge labels (YSL, etc.) have been documented endlessly, but a small website dedicated to a small corner of Beverly Hills history maybe? Should it be a website? And short book? I know you have the label resource, but would you house something bigger showing more than just labels?

    I'm not sure what to do. I'm curious what the assembled minds here might be able to think of!

    Attached Files:

  2. Ranch Queen Vintage

    Ranch Queen Vintage Administrator

    My first thought is to contact the Beverly Hills Historical Society to see how they might be of assistance. They have online galleries where images of your collection and a business bio may find a permanent online home, and they surely have archives documenting the businesses of Beverly Hills that yours could be added to. I know they'll be able to guide you regarding other options.
  3. sunny dunes

    sunny dunes Registered Guest

    That's a really good idea! It would be cool to add it to their history, since they were a part of that cool period of BH and so as not to forget them. Thank you!
    Ranch Queen Vintage likes this.

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