Looking for info on this Hudson Bay Emblem Parka


Registered Guest
i found this gem at a local second hand store, but cant seem to find any info on it. Does anyone know where I can find anything on it? It is a Hudson Bay Territorial Emblem park, but I am looking to date and get a value on it.
Unfortunately the CA number on the label does not help very much as it dates it to 1997 which is when Canada digitalized the company numbers and many items were actually pre that date. It is however a bilingual Hudson's Bay label which would date it to 1970 or later.

  • Bilingual labels were introduced in 1970, so my theory of 1967 would be incorrect now that I see the actual label.
this info is from the HBC Heritage site.


another clue would be when that version of the Pure Virgin Wool label was introduced...I believe these were introduced in the 1970s but I'm uncertain.

In 1999 Canada added another territory which is not included here.

We cannot assist you on values here, you would need to look around the web on ebay, etsy or private websites to get a feel for what these are going for.
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It's a registration number.

A CA Identification Number, commonly referred to as "CA Number", is a five-digit number preceded by the letters CA issued by the Competition Bureau upon request.

Only Canadian manufacturers, processors or finishers of a textile fibre product or Canadians engaged in the business of importing or selling any textile fibre product are allowed to register for a CA Identification Number.