Looking for info..."Ralph Lauren" Coat


Registered Guest

First time post here. After creeping around, this forum seems pretty active and seems to have very knowledgeable members. With that said I'm looking for some more info for a coat I found a few weeks back.

Have been unable to find this particular label anywhere but it's supposedly Ralph Lauren. Is this authentic as far as you could tell? Is something like this in high demand?

I really do appreciate any insight anyone can offer. It's really a great looking coat it just doesn't fit me well.


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Hi Doebro,
We are unable to authenticate as per the forum rules.
All I can suggest is if your care label contains an RN or CA number you look up what companies they are assigned to.
As Melanie says, we cannot authenticate your piece. That said, if you find that your item is indeed by Ralph Lauren, it would then likely be from the "Lauren Ralph Lauren" aka "green label" line, which is a lower end, more affordable RL line. I say this because your white label does actually state "Lauren Ralph Lauren" and the neckline hangtag appears to be green. Personally, I have not seen your particular label with the fish before.