Looking for Lilli Diamond label


Registered Guest
Hi all,

I recently bought this lovely chiffon dress and, after some google-imaging of identical pieces, have found that it's a Lilli Diamond.. unfortunately some nutty previous owner has removed the label!
I was wondering if anyone out there happens to have a spare LD label or knows where I might be able to find one- would there be a problem in professionally reinstating a label of the correct age?



  • hotnfoe1.JPG
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I would have to say, that unless you literally have that label in your hand when you purchased it? you honestly cannot know for sure that it is a Lilli Diamond, and therefore finding a LD label and putting it in, is something i would never ever do.

There are many many many design firms who re-create garments stitch by stitch to look like something else ~ not to mention highly skilled seamstresses who copy for their clients (so their clients don't have to pay true retail for the real thing).

So, in answer to your question, yes, that would be a problem.

However, it certainly doesn't hurt to say in your listing that it looks exactly like a Lilli Diamond dress style (but NOT in a title, rather as a attribution)

It's very pretty! that color, that style should sell well for you.
Yeah, I'm not wholly comfortable with the idea anyway, it just seems a real shame to have such a lovely garment without it's history/quality associated with the label. I do believe it IS a LD, the construction is very high quality and there's clearly been a label where the other examples I've come accross have one, aside from it looking identical! It appears to have been taken in and let out again, so maybe whatever label it had was removed then. Doh! But as you say, I won't market it as such, I don't want to deceive anyone.
I may get in touch with the lady I aquired it from, and see if she can shed any light :)
I think that's a good idea to ask the lady who sold it to you.

This is a test of your professionalism: a reputable seller takes pleasure in saying that the dress looks like the work of X designer, and if you can link to an accredited source showing the same dress, it is to your benefit - but I agree that you can not be completely sure, and to say that it is, leaves you open to potential discrediting.

Also: you don't say where you found the same dress with a LD label but if it was on a vintage clothing webshop be cautious because sadly, there are those who will sew labels in to raise the value of their offering.
By the same principle it could also be by Blanes, the 1950s red chiffon dress I am wearing in my icon has the exactly the same top, waist and back. Mine just has the loops but I have seen an indentical one in brown with the original belt which was studded with diamantes, so I know it was available in more than one colour and Blanes are known for doing variations on a theme.


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