Lost on this one - 80s? 50s?


Registered Guest
Ok, this one really has me confused. It has a very stiff horsehair crinoline (what a PAIN in the NECK it was to try and steam this dress!), and the lace on the top is old looking to me. Also, it was a built in corset. BUT, the zipper doesn't look that old. Confused.....
<img src='http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-3/674349/Img_3268.jpg' width=203 height=666 >
<img src='http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-3/674349/Img_3267.jpg' width=402 height=344 >
<img src='http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-3/674349/Img_3264.jpg' width=216 height=629 >
<img src='http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-3/674349/Img_3262.jpg' width=225 height=499 >
<img src='http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-3/674349/Img_3261.jpg' width=267 height=583 >
<img src='http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-3/674349/Img_3260.jpg' width=348 height=274 >
<img src='http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-3/674349/Img_3270.jpg' width=219 height=307 >
Definately early 60s - 1962-64 because of the hemlength and highish waist line. Its a quality dress with that built in corset. It certainly looks like pure silk too.
This one was REALLY throwing me - and the crinoline - what a pain in the behind! It's so stiff, I have NO idea how someone would sit in it ;)
Ok... so should I have it dry cleaned to get rid of the wrinkles in the back? I steamed her for like 1/2 an hour (I thought my bathroom was going to exploded), but it had no effect. I don't mind dry cleaning stuff, I just want to be sure I get my $$$ back on the investment.
Do the pics do her justice?
Really darling --- early 60s I'd say. Does it have a label in it? (Make sure to look along the skirt side seams and under the lining. I would expect a garment with that kind of workmanship to have one.
I checked EVERYWHERE - no labels. The only label is on the corset itself, I forget who made it, all I can remember (I think!) is that it's a 34B.
Any votes on dry cleaning?
I am always careful when taking things to the cleaners. If it has no soiling, and the wrinkles are the only issue, i might vote against it. Just for the fact that if you are selling it on the internet, the dress would have to wrapped and boxed and perhaps be subject to wrinkles no matter how carefully you wrap it. If you were selling it in a shop and you had clientele where the gals would come in to buy for a fancy party that weekend, then i definitely would do it.

It risks damage if the cleaner doesn't know what they are doing so I would be tempted not to.
That's my thoughts too - dry cleaners is a 50/50 thing. Plus, I'm so demanding when I go in (I go on and on about how careful they have to be) that by the time I get it back, it doesn't even seem to have been cleaned! They're prob too scared ;)
I'll check tonight for a number, I think I might have seen one on a torn piece of the tag in the inside lining.
Thanks again everyone :)
I wouldn't clean it. If the wrinkles are the only problem with it you can't see them in the pics and it will get crushed in the box anyways. I think most buyers realize that they need to clean the garments anyways. I have it stated on my TOS on my me page that I don't clean. My main reason is because of the cleaners around here.

I took a gorgeous silk Larry Aldrich to the cleaners with a few stains and they took a brush to it to get the stains out. Totally tore up the dress. Then wanted me to accept it back. I left it there never to return.

Gorgeous Killer dress!
I had a great cleaner before, this adorable old Irish woman up the street. She'd always go on and on about the quality of older clothes and how they never fall apart. My fiancé had his shark skin suit cleaned for new years and it came out incredibly! Of course, then Murphy's Law showed up and they went bye bye. Kids took it over and ran it into the ground.
And I cannot even believe they took a brush to the LA!!! OMG! Was it fixable in the least?
I can't add any more about the dress, but I can agree with everyone else... Your dress is FABULOUS!!!! You always post such wonderful items. Where can our buyer members find them?? Your link doesn't appear to be to your selling site! I'd love to see the rest of your stuff!! Do you have a B&M store??

Ack! I thought my eBay seller's id was showing up on my posts in my signature?
Well, I haven't starting selling again <i>yet</i>. I was supposed to start yesterday, but after having been sick for a week solid, it threw me off. I finally had the energy to take more pics yesterday.
It's going to be so sad to let all these items go, I've held on for SO long... but I just don't have the time I used to have to dedicate strictly to vintage buying/selling. With school & a wedding coming up, it's got to go go go!
Anyway, if all goes to plan, all of the items I've posted & many more will be going up on the 20th!!
Ok, absolutely NO tag, and I inspected in THOROUGHLY!! All I found is that the corset was made by Form Fit, B36 and at the bottom of the dress itself, on the inside, was a paper Union Tag with the number 277689 on it.
Where can I research that number?
Ok, absolutely NO tag, and I inspected in THOROUGHLY!! All I found is that the corset was made by Form Fit, B36 and at the bottom of the dress itself, on the inside, was a paper Union Tag with the number 277689 on it.
Where can I research that number?