Louboutin and Old Masters


I think he is insulting the great old masters of art. His shoes and bags have no place in those paintings and his accessories pale in comparison to one of a kind treasures such as great antique paintings and beauty of ages past. Did he actually think he could compete? Booooring. Snore.
Between me and everyone who reads this... lol
Louboutin thinks a little too highly of himself. He was impossible to deal with when I wrote my book - neither he, nor any of his minions would respond to any queries I had, or requests for images. He was the only shoe designer to be so uninterested... (and most of his shoes look like they were made for w----s anyway...)
I think I would find these fashion photograph homages to the paintings much more interesting without the shoes and bags! Reminds me of Cindy Sherman's History Portrait series. For instance I really like the remaking of Whistler's mother, but adding that shoe just makes it stupid.

To put it mildly, I prefer the paintings to the shoes :scratchchin:... Nothing against re-enacting the paintings in modern photography, but placing the shoes there is a total no-no to me.

What really, really got to me was the picture of Magdalene actually, looking at the bootie. I do not call myself a religious person, and was taught sober Zwinglian protestantism at school. My parents are not religious either, but they brought me up with a certain respect of religious things, which somehow is ingrained in me. I wouldn't even feel good taking pictures in a church. And that photo is just one of those things that, in short, feels completely wrong to me. Maybe blasphemous is the right word, though it does sound a bit strong to me, but I don't really know how to explain it. It's just a gut feeling that is wrong, that it is making something that to the painter at that time was a thing to be taken serious, look... mhhh... maybe frivolous?

And for re-creating the paintings... the crazy thing is, some of these old master paintings are more "alive" than any photograph would ever be - which is one of the reasons they fascinate me so much, and why Frans Hals one of my very favorite painters.

What a tremendous load of tosh those images are. They actually make me kind of angry, they don't do anything, it isn't even like they have been artfully placed into the piece it looks like someone has just plonked them on the page (and this is coming from someone who likes Loubitin shoes). ERGH.
It just looks like another silly ad campaign. Maybe a bit more visually interesting than yet another set of photos of a one more 6' tall hangar sized model wearing 5 " heels. But still - pretty silly.

I don't think of theses shoes classically proportioned, or styled. Heels are too high, the embellishments are overdone and, again, these are silly shoes hat will all be out of style shortly.
