Lucky beaded deco casino top - date? Anyone from Singapore?

I bought this at an estate sale a few weeks ago and judging by all the energy in this once very welcoming homey house, it's safe to assume the woman who owned this top had good fortune.

I sent a pic of the beaded area on this top to my husband and he had a friend translate the writing on the bottom left. It's actually four words: big, kill, four, and directions. It means to have a "killing air" or great fortune and beat out all your opponents, especially at gambling. The fire breathing dragon to the right is also a sign of good luck, but the significance of the house, the woman at top and what looks like a bridge leading up to the tree of life beside it he was unsure of as it does not come from his region. He thinks it may be from Singapore; so if anyone can shed further light on this, that would be awesome.

The material is a heavy type of crepe (probably a blend - burn test was inconclusive). It has an old Lightning made in Canada side zip. I think it's 30s - early to mid? Waddayathink?


Those shoulder pads look later to me...I would say mid or late 40s. The broad shoulders and slit neckline remind me of this 1945 pattern:


(I know they're different, but I see similarities) The sleeves, the neckline, and the shoulder pads say 40s to me.

Is it possible that it used to be a dress and was shortened to be a shorter dress or a tunic?

At any rate, I think it's very cool!

Thanks, ladies! The manny is too tall and wide for the top and that's why it looks as if it has shoulder pads. The top is actually boxy and ever so slightly cinched at the sides near the waist. Good call on it having probably been shortened - I had thought it may have had pants that went with it.
I was going to say it looks postwar 40s as well. It could also have been worn over a sheath skirt as that peplum/tunic look over a straight skirt was popular.
Thanks, Jonathan! I guess it's the boxiness that threw me and had me steering away from looking at later period silhouettes. I should have mentioned the collar is mandarin (as all computer screens are not equal) - the eye of the hook and eye needs rethreading and I could not do it up.
I was going to go late 40's here too for all the same above mentioned reasons. That's so funny - I have a REALLY similar dress only mine has the beading on its pockets and a cute mandarin type collar. I'll see if I can get a photo tonight... it's one that lives in my collection (for now!) :)