Mad Men Finale


VFG Member
This TV show is my absolute favorite. I think I mentioned before that my neighbor in Connecticut in the late 1950's and '60's was the president of J. Walter Thompson in NYC and his brother was the president of CBS. I used to babysit for Stever and Sally Aubry's children and he was VERY handsome. I have wondered if Don Draper was somehow based on Stever.

Sally called me today and I had a chance to chat with Stever (who is now in his 80's!) and I asked him if he had seen the show. He said : "No, but everyone tells me I should." I asked him what I had been curious about - did people really drink a lot in their offices. Stever said that he never had a drink in the office and that's why he doesn't want to watch the show. I suppose it's like a doctor watching a medical show... and seeing all the unreal portrayals/situations.

My Dad worked on Wall Street during this time and I know he laughed about all the drinking that was done at lunch ... and on the Club Car coming home.

I sure hope it comes back for more seasons. I've read that the main characters don't even have contracts, in particular Jon Hamm (Don Draper). Questions have been raised about there even being a season 3, now that he's the new breakout star.

He was REALLY good on SNL this week, and even got the Mad Men show involved

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This was the funniest one of the show...didn't find it until today. It's not Mad Men, but it is retro throwback. It's really funny, too!!

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oh my gosh lol my hubby just showed that to me TODAY lol.... he was all excited.. but said last years was better as they had an alfred hitchcock! ;-)