Mannequin History

Fabulous article! Thank you so much for sharing this.

Loved this:

"Most mannequins were made of wax, and as already mentioned, they melt! "One pre-Prohibition window featured mannequins arranged as if at a small dinner party. The 'hostess' held a glass of wine in her hands, frozen in a toast. The window dresser was so pleased that he went home early that night." "When he noticed a crowd gathered around his display the next morning, he was sure it was in admiration of his work. Proudly pushing his way through the assemblage, he was shocked to see that his hostess had softened shamefully under the heat of the lamps. She was slumped over the table, her mouth sagging, the spilled wineglass still clutched in her now limp hand. The congenial atmosphere of the night before had become the 'morning after,' a wine-stained scene not likely to sell the store's apparel."