Mary McFadden for Jack Mulqueen Quilted Silk Jacket Question


Registered Guest

I have this stunning teal and purple "Mary McFadden for Jack Mulqueen" silk jacket.

As well as hints on the description of this jacket with the ultra-puffy pleated sleeves, I'm interested to know if anyone can tell by the label which era this may be from.

I did check the label resource but didn't see anything real similar.

thanks in advance,
Hi Connie,

Its so hard to tell from her labels, as they really didnt change through the years. I have a late 70s/ early 80s peignoir set with a similar McFaden label.

Merely a guess, but with the quilting, colors and puffy sleeves, I'm going to venture a guess at early 80's.

Please wait for someone else to come along and confirm tho.. I've had 10 yrs of dating lingerie, shaky still at clothing. :)

thanks ladies - seemed like an 80's style to me, but I never want to represent something current as vintage.

I appreciate your input !