Mary Quant Label


Registered Guest
Hi everyone,

I'm hoping someone can help me, I'm thinking of buying a 60's pvc jacket with a label that reads....
'Alligator by Mary Quant'
I've never heard of this Mary Quant label.
Can anybody shed any light on the label.

Is it original ? and when does it date from ? Is it rare ?

Thanks in advance

Hi Chris,

I personally haven't heard of the label, but we do have a few Mary Quant afficianados on the public forum that might be able to help you out.

Be sure to check back in!

Hi Chris,

As far as I know, since I've already drooled over that coat on eBay :love008:, that Mary Quant label is the real deal from the 1960s. She was involved in many, many licensing deals in the 60s (which were a LOT more successful than her late 70s/80s licensing) and I have an advert for one of her black and white Alligator raincoats from 1969 (£9 back then). I'll admit I was tempted, but it does seem a bit pricey considering the flaking issues with the fabric.

Hope this helps you!

Oh, I thought I'd also add an anecdote I heard the other day from a neighbour (in case I forget!!). She grew up near Chelsea, and when she was a schoolgirl she went in to Mary Quant's first shop Bazaar on the Kings Road. She and her friends (in uniform of course) were trying on large brimmed hats with false pigtails attached(!); being typical giggly schoolgirls and generally annoying EVERYONE in the shop. Her abiding memory is being chased out of the shop by Mary Quant herself, who was hopping mad and shouting at them!!

How wonderful is that story??? :clapping:

Oh, great story! Wasn't it Quant who told the story about a shoplifter in the boutique. The young salesgirls caught an "old" lady stealing. Turns out the old one was in her 20s!