Meet Mildred Custin


I purchased the pink, green and white hound's tooth "going away" suit I showed a couple of days ago at the Boston Bonwit Teller store in 1967. Unfortunately I did not keep the suit. Who knew????

Bonwit's was my favorite place to shop in Boston - although I couldn't afford to make too many purchases at a time.

I got one of my first "store" credit cards there shortly after I graduated from B.U.

:clapping: to Jonathan for buying the dress.

Indeed - interesting. I loved shopping at Bonwit's in NYC. I purchased quite a few suits there. I got some dresses as well and have none left, but do have some photos I'll scan at some point.
The store's fortunes took a nose-dive after she left. I'll post a follow up about that, hopefully next week. Glad you all enjoyed it! I found her fascinating.
Wow! I knew about Bonwit Teller due to a vintage BT dress that I bought during my 3-month stay in Montreal, but just the general history and not much more. Very interesting! The BT dress I have is about mid-to late 60s, so right from that time! It's an absolutely fabulous piece and I knew that a store selling such a great dress even under their own label must be pretty special.
