Meet the British


VFG Member
An amazing programme on BBC2 last night, an hour's worth of government footage spanning four decades, all made to show off the UK's delights to the world.

The Style section starts at 20.30.

Must admit to a certain amount of shouting at the TV though. Tell me the year! Who is that man?! Actually, someone here will know - who is the man described as 'the Leonardo da Vinci of knitted fashion' at 20.35??

I love the American gent castigated by the tailor while being fitted for an 'English suit'.

Hi Sarah-Jane

Thank you for sharing this link. It's wonderful. Can't believe I missed it! Too busy on my laptop last night! You mention the 'Style Section' - is that in further episodes or is it included in the link you've provided?

My word, how things have changed. I've watched a few minutes but will go back to it later. Love the African students going for walk-about in the country fields! Hardly dressed for a walk in the countryside but . . . . getting on the bus in an orderly fashion - yes, oh so British. It's a great historical reference piece. OMG! Those voice-overs are hilarious. Typical BBC from days gone by.

Thanks again! :USETHUMBUP:
Louise the Style section is in this programme, at 20 mins 30 secs. You should be able to 'fast forward' to it. I need to know who the knitwear man is!!