I haven't sold a tons of menswear, but the accessories and occassional seperates i have sold have all sold to good reviews.
This is sort of just to show off my recent haul because i am trying to get motivbated LOL and to ask a few questions about where i might turn next for some info. I apologize, not all this is vintage...but i would like some direction on "what next" as far as looking stuff up. There are my questions within..the rest of it is just me blabbing.
Firstly, here is the pre-mentioned Yves Saint Laurent. 3 pieces. its a really classy deep gray. Too bad my husband took the camera before i finished, but here is just a whiff.. Not a huge size but wearable. measures 40/41 at the chest, and is a regular, not a short.. 100% mint condition, appears never worn. i am sure it is brand new, or just a couple years old.
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/ysltag.jpg" width=525 height=272>
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/barneys.jpg" width=200 height=132>
if it fit me i would keep it (but alas i look like a child wearing her father's coat and it is just a few inches small for DH) and i think it would also appeal to women as well, a real US Coast guard issue pea coat. the details are just amazing. insgnia buttons are not only sewn on but sewn into a black small button on the opposing side for heavy duty stability. It has the flip up collar too.. It is really crisp, too. if i recall..measures about 44. In my opinion anyways it is quite a find!!
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/peacoat1.jpg" width=360 height=471>
This one has a full really nice and thick removeable lining. I am pretty sure its newer..i remember all the checks and houndstooth patterns in the early 90s...but i have seen variations on this coat 70s/80s/90s/today so it could very well be just yesterday. .i am having trouble finding out exactly when they ran the hampden check series...googling turns up nothing and they are all over the map. Mint condition too. perfect for the working guy or if you think you are too above wearing a parka. Maybe that info is not really needed and the buyer won't care...but i like to know! I think the pattern is right in line with the more traditional tweeds and houndstooths that are coming out.
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/londonfoglabel1.jpg" width=313 height=394>
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/londonfoglabel2.jpg" width=351 height=296>
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/londonfogside.jpg" width=360 height=534>
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/londonfogtop.jpg" width=504 height=386>
You'll see the coat later. anyone heard of this label?
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/englishsquire.jpg" width=300 height=197>
AND OF COURSE photo of the long awaited SANSABELT pants coming up too!
This is sort of just to show off my recent haul because i am trying to get motivbated LOL and to ask a few questions about where i might turn next for some info. I apologize, not all this is vintage...but i would like some direction on "what next" as far as looking stuff up. There are my questions within..the rest of it is just me blabbing.
Firstly, here is the pre-mentioned Yves Saint Laurent. 3 pieces. its a really classy deep gray. Too bad my husband took the camera before i finished, but here is just a whiff.. Not a huge size but wearable. measures 40/41 at the chest, and is a regular, not a short.. 100% mint condition, appears never worn. i am sure it is brand new, or just a couple years old.
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/ysltag.jpg" width=525 height=272>
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/barneys.jpg" width=200 height=132>
if it fit me i would keep it (but alas i look like a child wearing her father's coat and it is just a few inches small for DH) and i think it would also appeal to women as well, a real US Coast guard issue pea coat. the details are just amazing. insgnia buttons are not only sewn on but sewn into a black small button on the opposing side for heavy duty stability. It has the flip up collar too.. It is really crisp, too. if i recall..measures about 44. In my opinion anyways it is quite a find!!
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/peacoat1.jpg" width=360 height=471>
This one has a full really nice and thick removeable lining. I am pretty sure its newer..i remember all the checks and houndstooth patterns in the early 90s...but i have seen variations on this coat 70s/80s/90s/today so it could very well be just yesterday. .i am having trouble finding out exactly when they ran the hampden check series...googling turns up nothing and they are all over the map. Mint condition too. perfect for the working guy or if you think you are too above wearing a parka. Maybe that info is not really needed and the buyer won't care...but i like to know! I think the pattern is right in line with the more traditional tweeds and houndstooths that are coming out.
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/londonfoglabel1.jpg" width=313 height=394>
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/londonfoglabel2.jpg" width=351 height=296>
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/londonfogside.jpg" width=360 height=534>
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/londonfogtop.jpg" width=504 height=386>
You'll see the coat later. anyone heard of this label?
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/englishsquire.jpg" width=300 height=197>
AND OF COURSE photo of the long awaited SANSABELT pants coming up too!