Men's Accessories


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Men\'s Accessories

I'm seriously thinking of opening a brick and mortar men's shop with vintage and new accessories, shirts, ties. There are lots of girl's shops around but very few men's. If anyone sees/has amazing cufflinks (quality and condition are very important), tie chains (not pins), tooled leather belts & wallets etc, best-quality shirts & ties (silk or wool only), cashmere, hats in mint to excellent condition I am in the market! (at wholesale prices)


Also: danish wooden toys, mid-century model kits, older chess sets, etc (man toys) all in exceptional condition...
I think it may be Justine that had some cufflinks or tie clasp ?? on her mall site.

Free advertising for Justine! Heehee

Oh and the only mens toys I have around here is hubbys lawn mower
I have some cuff links and such at the shop. Will check for you.
Thanks guys -

Hollis, your hat is absolutely smashing <i>and</i> in a wearable size! And your model most dapper in it! I am going to wait on hats until a bit later though. :( I guess I should have checked storage before I put hats in my description above. I just don't have any more room in my storage space and Michael will kill me if one more large item is stowed here in the apartment!

I am taking some business classes at FIT that won't be over until December. I'm hoping to have a space by Valentine's day.

So maybe I should change that above to say smaller men's items like cufflinks, scarves, tie chains and smaller toys. I think the model sets can also wait. Things that don't need to go to storage and can be stowed in a drawer. :)
Kevin, I have some men's stuff (vintage fringed scarves, etc.), I just tend to ignore these items will have to see what I can find.

That is quite an ambitious undertaking! Good luck to you!
YOu will have to keep us posted.

Men\'s Vintage Clothing

I have a number of authentic Scottish tartan ties (new old stock) and a few pieces of Irish gentleman's gear. Let me know if you are iterested.
Hi, Kevin!

How are things progressing with this project?

I recall reading something a couple of years ago in one of the local mags about someone who had a men's vintage store, maybe it was just accessories. But, I guess there is a great demand for this, especially in the City.

Were yo thinking of having a B&M along with an online version? :bouncing:

I have two 40's ties in my stores and have two wool ones that I'm getting ready to sell. The Disney straw hat is up for auction right now - ending Tuesday night.


This thread is well over a year old and got bumped up.

Kevin hasn't been around in quite some time. I believe he switched gears with his business
