Men's Hawaiian Shirts--Worth Listing Now?


VFG Member
Men\'s Hawaiian Shirts--Worth Listing Now?

I recently bought a couple small wholesale lots, and have between them 4 men's Hawaiian shirts, all vintage, all with brand names, some unisex looking. At least one from probably the 50s or early 60s, the rest mixed in age, I think. Brand names are McInerny (for) Iolani (this is cool, as it has the zip-up front, button & loop closure at top, and interlocking metal buckle at waist), Hawaiian Holiday, Pookela, and store-branded Kimo's Polynesian Shop. I don't have much experience selling Hawaiiana, but I have a lot of it right now.... Are these shirts good items to be listing now? Are they VLV stuff? Two are primarily green, so could go with this month's VTA. Haven't shot them yet 'cuz not sure if I should wait a little later into the month for spring/summer wear. TIA!