Men's Pendleton Shirt - How Old?


Men\'s Pendleton Shirt - How Old?

Hi everyone,

This is a great wool Pendleton shirt that I'm trying pin down a date for. The actual color is darker than shows in the pic. Besides the Pendleton label, it has an H & D Folsom Arms Co. label (Folsom was sporting good store dealing mostly with guns I believe - and it closed in 1956)

It has pink mother of pearl buttons. And, I'm not quite sure to make of the bottom front of the shirt (just after the buttons) - it swoops over a little like a flap almost. Is there a term for this I wonder?

Comments greatly appreciated!!!!! :)

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<img src="" width=560 height=420>
I'm not that great with men's wear Dianne so this is basically a guess....
early 50s/late 40s.

Does it have a vent/slit on both sides of the shirts like i think i am seeing? (left and right sides). Shirts like that a lot of times were worn "tucked out". Yet the snaps stopping could support a tuck in shirt as well. Big help I am? Or maybe it was designed to lay very flat in I don't know...when wearing fishing waders.
Thanks Chris and Sue!

Yes, both sides have vents/slits :) Late 40s/early 50s sounds good to me!

I really like the front panel - like you say Chris it is probably there to stay flat when tucked in.
