Mens scarves - dates 1910s, 20s?

Curious about dates on these scarves. The blue and white is a silk brocade and the colourful one is synthetic. There are no labels on either scarf. The colourful one is very interesting - printed in block style (I think that's the term), one side shows a fault and part of the white print is raised.

I'm guessing the colourful one is about 1920s and I think the silk brocade is earlier. Am I close?


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Well, not really for the first one, since the style is so conservative, and I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure its 1940s if for no other reason that men's scarves are either plain black or white silk, or knitted wool in the 1910s. I think its only in the 1920s when you begin to see patterned scarves for men.