Men's suit and shoes date help!


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Men\'s suit and shoes date help!

The labels are throwing me!

The shoes are union made. I am inclined to say early 60's on the shoes, except the size stamp is making me doubt. And you can't really tell from the photo, but they are pretty pointy. Maybe they are 80's?

I want to say the same for the suit. It has the black and white union label with the sewing machine. (I found them on the same day, same thrift shop.) Talon zipper.

AAAAANNND...Is there a name for the weave of the suit? My sewing books aren't giving me any clues. Glen Plaid Fleck??

Thank you!

Nice menswear, there! But I would need to see the lining of the suit and the pants before even trying to guess at its age. I find menswear, for the most part, hard to date. Though your suit is probably 60s, too hard to tell from what's pictured.

And the shoes I doubt are as old as the suit. (That's a "since 1875" TM on them....) Can we see the heel and/or sole? Not sure, but these look like they may date from when Italian suits for men were so hot, and the pointier shoes went along with the lean cut of the suits. So, when was that? Mid 80s???
LorrelMae, see the pocket with the "Northbrooke" label on it? Have a peak in there and if you're lucky there will be a label with a date and name on it. Tailored suits often supply these details, it's very handy.

I can't see the cut of the trousers but the 3 button jacket with thin lapels suggests early to mid '60s. The weave of wool is also a bit hard to see but it could be Prince of Wales check. Google images provides some examples.

The shoes are lovely, look rather '30s in style by the "man made insoles" suggest a modern reproduction. Not sure how long they've been making those, but I would guess within the last twenty years or so.

Thank you everyone! Here are more images...

Sadly, no dates on the jacket. I'll try to get images of the lining later. The jacket is only half lined, not petaled.

The images are clickable, and will go to a larger image.

The previous close up is actually in focus on the right side, it's the best I can do. Makes my eyes go cross when I get that close to it! :wacko:
