Men's Ties-can anyone recommend a resource?


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Men\'s Ties-can anyone recommend a resource?

I am looking for a book on men's ties if such a book exists. Does anyone know of one?

I found some interesting souvenir ties -- one for the 1980 Olympics and the other for the opening of the Smithsonian Space Museum. While I was out shopping yesterday, I found some advertising ties -- one for Pepsi and other for some computer company. What kind of market is there for souvenir ties? I know there are so many souvenirs at every place in the world. The Olympics and Smithsonian ties caught my eye because I remember a souvenir teddy bear from the 1980s Olympics and that the Olympics was held in Lake Placid. The Smithsonian tie was memorable because when the museum opened, the set of the U.S.S. Enterprise was on exhibit. It was really cool. I probably bought sentimentally instead of logically but I only spent a quarter so I think I do OK. :)

I am OK at dating ties but I start to get mixed up with 50s skinny ties and 40s/50s wide ties. Any helpful tips on dating?

Thanks so much-hope everyone else is having a fabulous day!
I don't know of a source on men's ties, though I wish I did! If I find one, I'll pass the info along! My generic reference doesn't really say too much about ties.

I do sell them quite often, and I also get mixed up on 40s/50s ties, in particular the ones that flare out at the top & bottom. But I was buying a couple gorgeous ones at the antique mall last week, and the guy next to me at the counter was oohhing & aaahing over them (said he'd have bought them first if he'd seen them). We got into a discussion on dating them, and he knew a lot more than I do. Told me the biggest difference in this style was that the 40's models were shorter; the 50's ones were a lot longer--mine are long, so he told me they are 50s. I'd think the same would hold true for the skinny ties--they often look older, I think, than they are. The 60's wide ties, at least the mod era on, were short--mine usually measure out less than 60", from what I can remember.

I'll keep my eyes open for a reference!
A lot of time its the whole package - look, angle, width, colors, look of the label, what's on the label, and material that date a tie. Not just one thing.

The wider ties in the late 60s had a much closer taper than the ones in the 70s and the 40s. Not all but typically. The 40s were a different angle than the 70s. And even when ties were very wide and ties were very skinny there was usually a medium, more conservative width available for folks not on the cutting edge (just to throw us off).

There is a big market for novelty ties. But its fickle. Ones commemorating specific events you might want to search around for similar subject matter to determine going rate.
I think I got that book out of the library and wasn't impressed with it. It didn't date the ties at all - it was essentially a picture book with some text about famous people's tie collections and how fun it is to collect ties. <a href="" target=blank>So was this one.</a>

<a href="" target=blank>This one</a> was better but still left me wanting more information. It's a decent starting point, though.

I'm still looking for a good book on neckties...I'll let you know if I find one!

This is so timely--Just this morning I was wishing for the very same info. I got a nice lot of 30s and 40s ties last night at the thrift. Thanks for the link to the KNOT site.

One thing I have been told (by a male customer who was decked out in 40s head to toe), if the tie is unlined, it is likely 40s or earlier. He said they didn't line ties until after the war. I don't know how spot on his timeline is, but I always feel safe assuming they aren't 50s or 60s ties if they aren't lined.

Thanks, everyone. I am now able to identify one of the ties I bought as 40s. :) I'll post photos of some of the ties later this weekend. Thanks for KNOT site reference. Enjoy the day-
I always get stuck on 30s ties. I wouldn't know one if it bit me on the nose unless i had other deducive information that led me that way. I don't think i have ever had one live and in person. I have had all the other types post 1939 though.