Men's ties?


Registered Guest
Men\'s ties?

I did a search on the VFG forum, came back negative.

Is there a definitive book, or website?

I found a motherload (okay, 18) today, mostly 40's and 50's. At least two, I believe, are highly desirable. (Western themed) Most are Towncraft. But they are all in excellent shape, very vibrant.

Maybe I should pick up the 60's ones I passed?

Thank you!

I've got a great book called "Fit to be Tied" by Rod Dyer. It specialises in 40s-50s ties.

I find that the supply of great ties generally exceeds demand, although there are a few people out there who appreciate them. I sell them fairly cheaply so they find good appreciative homes and I don't get swamped by them. You could try selling them as a lot?
Two other books are Sarah Gibbings "The Tie" (more a fashion history of neckwear than a value guide; has really great, authoritative info) and Goldberg's "The Ties that Blind" (a Schiffer Book, useful in addition to Dyer's book if you are researching ties more recent than the 50s).

I have found that 50s ties have to be exceptional or fit a very particular niche to make any money, and more recent than that is even more difficult.

Novelty 40s ties (handpainted, great prints) in great condition do much better, and labels do help. But the only consistent "cash cows", as far as I can tell, are Dali ties and 40s Countess Mara (and those "peekaboo" ties with the handpainted pin up girl under the tip!).

this ebay guide has some useful tips, especially about how to distinguish between 30s and 40s ties:

Post photos of your ties--would love to see!
I agree that mens' ties can be a tough sell unless they are figural or handpainted and in great shape. Allover patterns are a very hard sell. Unless the 60s ones are silk and have great graphics, I'd pass them up.

Thank you!!

I'll have to hit the library!

Maybe I'll sell off the two, and give the others as gifts!

Thanks again!
