Men's wool pants need a date narrowing-downing


VFG Member
Men\'s wool pants need a date narrowing-downing

I have a nice pair of brown wool man pants that I believe to be 40s or 50s,,,,but I stink at menswear!
Help narrow down the date?

They are heavy wool with cotton linen pocket and waistband linings. They have a metal zip with that hidden fabric cover stuff (Waldes Adver-Zip) and an inner and outer plastic button waist. There are suspender buttons inside. Cuffed ankles, watch pocket, back pockets (left cheek button close, right cheek open). The loops are dropped except for one, and I think they may be home-made.



They're neat Jenn, I would probably wear these! And nice that they aren't plain black or navy.

Sadly, I probably stink worse than you and have narrowed it down to a nice vague mid century ish. Hopefully someone more helpful will be here soon! :D
The earliest example of a metal zip fly in trousers I've come across was a suit I had that had the tailors label still inside with the date of 1949 in it. All the 1940's trousers I have seen made before then, have had button flys.
With those turn ups, I'd probably date them to the VERY late 40's (like 1949) to the VERY EARLY 50's. They are cuspers. :)

I'll add an image of the suspender hooks.
These are nice pants, but they have some holes (damn you moths!) so I figure I'll just price them low to move.
It's neat to finally come across a pair in so many years of shuffling clothing around.

It's interesting that the button fly stuck around so long, even when ladies were zipping dresses.
