Mill Girls as a part of Textile History


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The Winter/Spring issue of American Heritage, Volume 62, No.1 has long article, "Proud to be a Mill Girl. New England industrialists hired thousands of young farm girls to work together in early textile mills--and spawned a host of unintended consequences." Lots of illustrations including tintypes of workers. Fascinating part of both the history of textiles and women.

Thank you for this, I really would love to read it. What year is the book, is this an old one from the 1960's? Or, is this recent, as I recall those books when I was a child and did not know it was still in publication.
Sorry, it is the Winter/Spring 2012 issue. As a long ago bibliographer, how could I have not given the year! AH has been revived and seems to get better each quarterly issue.
According to some of the editorial content, the American Heritage publication we used to see ended 5 years ago. "In its place, a new organization--The American Heritage Society--rises to the occasion." According t0 the editor in chief. Edwin S. Grosvenor, non profit status will enable them to secure additional funding. The issue to which I referred is 104 pages long on quality slick paper, many illustrations in color and has articles on recent and past events and book reviews. I like it. Apparently articles from the past 60 years from all of their previous and present issues can be accessed through their website:
Nice to hear from another history buff.