Mink stole from 60\'s?
Hi, I'm new to this website but was referred by a friend. I acquired a mink stole which I believe to be from the 60's. It appears to be in very good shape. I was wondering if anyone can identify it for me. It has a label with the name Harry Alpert, Beverly Hills and also a name of a woman (madolyn) embroidered on the inside. Thanks for any help you can give me. I'm attaching some pictures I took. I'm not sure how to attach more then one photo. Sorry. If someone can tell me how to post more than 1 photo I can put more on here.
Hi, I'm new to this website but was referred by a friend. I acquired a mink stole which I believe to be from the 60's. It appears to be in very good shape. I was wondering if anyone can identify it for me. It has a label with the name Harry Alpert, Beverly Hills and also a name of a woman (madolyn) embroidered on the inside. Thanks for any help you can give me. I'm attaching some pictures I took. I'm not sure how to attach more then one photo. Sorry. If someone can tell me how to post more than 1 photo I can put more on here.