MISS DIOR HAT/HEADPIECE - With smaller picture! Please help to date!


Registered Guest
The last picture came out ridiculously big so hopefully these pics are more useful!!

Trying to date this Miss Dior hat/headpiece. We haven't seen another label like this (without the "by Christian Dior") tag underneath, and wondered if anyone knew whether that makes it an earlier piece? We'd say 40's/50's but any opinions gratefully received!!


There is a full bio on the Miss Dior line on our label resource under M. The label was started in 1967. Beautiful hat, and I'd say late 60's is probably right. Did there used to be a black veil?
Thanks Jody! Ah, we didn't know much at all about Miss Dior so thanks for the dates! With regards to a veil, we can't be sure, but the black centre looks more like decoration - part of the flower design. So if I were to guess I'd say it didn't used to have one.

It also looks great worn both ways round! Can't be entirely sure which is the front!