Miss Elliette tag mystery.

Hi and Happy Thanksgiving -- I'd thought this Miss Elliette was (late-ish) 70s. Then I looked at the paper tag that has the style, size, etc., and saw the "8 9 83" mark. I wonder if that might mean 8/9/83, or if it's unrelated to date.

Anyone happen to have a Miss Elliette with the size/style tag showing a similar number AND know for certain when the dress is from, and thus can confirm or deny any correlation between the number and the age of the dress?

One other thing. It's marked a size 10, but it fits Lola almost perfectly (not clipped, and she is 6'2" tall, with a 23" waist). That doesn't sound like an 80s (or even 70s) size 10 to me. But perhaps Miss Elliette just runs very small? It LOOKS new. But it's also unworn.

What do you all think? I love this pretty dress. - Liza
I think Miss Elliette tends to be ultra-feminine (love their chiffon, for sure), and not necessarily focused on being as "hip and current" as some other labels. Thus, I was wondering if perhaps it wasn't more recent (i.e. super pretty, but a touch out of fashion). But if you say it's 70s, that's good enough for me. That WAS my initial gut reaction. Just another of my many moments of dating insecurity ; ).

Thanks for your help!
Re: the sizing I can believe that for a 1970's dress, I am a modern UK 8/10 and I can only get into a 1970's size 14 in most items! so there's 3 sizes difference in some.
LizaJane, I totally agree with your take on Miss Elliette designs, the ultra-femme aspects, as well as not so much having offered cutting edge looks, but rather, pretty frocks.

And for sure PinkCoke, the sizing falls right within the 70s norm.
Every Miss Elliette dress I've ever had, has had miniscule measurements, more like 50s sizing, in a way.
Thanks, everyone! I have to admit a weakness for Miss Elliette stuff. I'm a complete sucker for "pretty frocks." For me, it's much more about the look and feel of the dress than any particular label or how "hip" it is.
I have a Miss Elliette that I would date to the 70s, and it has the same labels as your dress - and those numbers there on mine definitely make no sense as a date. My dress too seems to be kinda small, but for a tall gal or at least one wearing high heels. I bought mine for a fancy-dress party :BAGUSE: (dressed up as Barbie doll - the dress was just perfect in being pink, floaty, feminine, romantic...), and I had to take it up a little so as to not trip over it, even though I was wearing heels, and I'm not that short (5'5). Mine's a size 8 and the waist is pretty tiny and fairly high for me who has a long upper body. However in the bust it's big enough - had to take it in there too a little there as well. Definitely very feminine proportions that I usually find when I try on older things, like 50s dresses.

Karin, thank you for confirming the real life fit of Miss Elliette dresses as, "Definitely very feminine proportions that I usually find when I try on older things, like 50s dresses."

At this stage, I couldn't hope to squeeze in to most of them, so it's good to have this info. Like you, I have a long torso, but no more the tiny waist. :(