Modest double breasted maxi dress with a lace collar. Pre 1960s? Need help with dating

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by Andrii, Aug 13, 2024.

  1. Andrii

    Andrii Registered Guest

    Hi I’m really puzzled about this one. Feels homemade, no tags, no surged seams. It is ankle or mid calf length depending on persons height. Really interesting lightweight fabric - it is silk according to a burn test. Double breasted front with pleats, elegant puffed shoulder, matching belt. No shoulder pads on this one. The lace peter pan collar could have been stitched later as it sits a bit off center due to a non-symmetrical front of the dress. I’m not an expert on buttons but they also look pretty old to me. What decade and style do you think it could be? I would appreciate any help, thanks

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    Last edited: Aug 13, 2024
  2. denisebrain

    denisebrain VFG Vice President Staff Member VFG Past President

    To me it looks like 1980s
    Andrii likes this.
  3. poppysvintageclothing

    poppysvintageclothing VFG Member Staff Member VFG Past President

  4. Andrii

    Andrii Registered Guest

    Thanks for your opinion! That was my first thought too, 80s does 40s or so, but looking at the construction of the dress I thought that perhaps it could be an earlier item. Doesn’t feel 80s in the way it’s made, no shoulder pads, no serged seams, the seams look pretty much the same as on 40s and 50s items I’ve had that’s why i’m puzzled. Also would you call it an evening dress? Dinner dress?
  5. denisebrain

    denisebrain VFG Vice President Staff Member VFG Past President

    Looks like a maybe longish day/work dress to me.

    By chance are you AudreysSuitcase on Etsy?
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  6. bycinbyhand

    bycinbyhand VFG Member

    Early 80s.

    ps - not all 80s garments had shoulder pads... some were removed, early 80s didn't add them like mid 80s.
  7. Another vote for early '80s: I see about 1980-1982. The shoulder pads weren't common until about '83 and you get this simple silhouette just before then, especially with lace collars. I recall secretaries and office workers wearing dresses like this at the time.

    denisebrain and Andrii like this.
  8. Andrii

    Andrii Registered Guest

    Yes, that’s me :)
    denisebrain likes this.
  9. Andrii

    Andrii Registered Guest

    That was exactly my first thought - 80s secretary / office dress. But then doubts came in and I thought it would be great to check with you. Thanks you all for your input!
  10. I removed the shoulder pads from all my garments in the 1980s... I had strong shoulders already and felt like an American football player when I left the pads in. I couldn't stand the huge padded shoulder look of the time!
    Andrii and denisebrain like this.
  11. bycinbyhand

    bycinbyhand VFG Member

    And I had a skinny friend who was notorious for putting in at least 2 sets LOL

    I didn't really need them, in that 80s style, either though some garments then just draped better with them as without.
    Andrii and The Vintage Vendeuse like this.

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