Mold treatment- vinegar first or sunlight?


Registered Guest
We have quite a large number of garments that basically got attacked in an old apartment by white mold. Nothing is absolutely covered, it’s more like occasional spots. Initially I thought we would hit the spots with vinegar/water and then place the garments outside in the sun to kill everything. But the more I think about it, perhaps we should do sun first and then just use a paper towel or plain water to clean the “corpses” of the mold. What do you think?
If its white its mildew, so not as serious as mold, which is black or green. If the clothes are cotton and washable, I would do that. If its silk or something not washable, I would vacuum, brush, or use a damp sponge to remove the white blooms and then putting the garment in the drier with a drier sheet and run it for 5 minutes. Of course dry cleaning works. We just got a donation of items that had some mildew and everything turned out fine using these methods. The sunlight will air out any musty smells, but don't leave it out too long in case of sun fade.