Moschino- Cheap and chic


Registered Guest
Hello everybody!
I have this dress - Moschino Cheap and Chic.
I searched in all the collections Moschino Cheap and Chic (that I find) and I couldn't find this dress. Can you help me with some informations?
What is this dress value?
It is just me, but I read on the dress CHFAP? (do you have any idea why it is written like that?)
Thank you all very very much.

What does the interior hem of the dress look like? It looks like the dress has been taken up - I don't think it would have come with the letters cut off in that manner. If the dress has been taken up, can you let it back down?
Moschino launched Cheap & Chic in 1988, and I can't say when I think this dates from. (Moschino himself died in 1994, but this label lives on.)

I love Moschino irreverence, and that CHEAP seems right up his alley. I would make sure that the hem wasn't turned up, but I can easily see the hem being original. Thanks for showing us!
I have seen some of this designers letters being cut off before (on purpose, probablly to keep us wondering )

from pictures you can tell it is an E though

& I would wonder if this isnt from a 2000-07 collection.
I bet this cost a pretty penny new, what an eye catcher
That label is actually different from what's on the Label Resource - not much different, but slightly so. See:
