Movie review...I'm going to geek out on you here


VFG Member
Movie review...I\'m going to geek out on you here

OK, I'm a bona-fide movie buff. I love going to the theater, and would rather do that than most other date-night fancy todo's. It's about the only thing where I buy into the must-have stuff, I love a summer blockbuster.

So, I just got home from seeing Transformers and it was, well, more than meets the eye! (geek)

Anyone who's ever sold on ebay and had a bad customer has got to go see this movie for one scene in particular and a running joke for the first part of the movie. I won't spoil it, but if I'd had Tivo on the movie theater, me and the dozen or so people in there would have watched that scene over and over. I was literally crying with laughter! Like first time you ever saw the Bohemian Rhapsody scene in Wayne's World laughter! In fact, there was humor throughout the movie, along with some kick butt action and absolutely amazing special effects.

I haven't been this amazed by an action movie since the first Matrix, and haven't wanted to watch a movie again so quickly since the first Pirates (Johhhnnnyyy).
I went with my hubby, who grew up with the Transformers cartoons and action figures. He liked it, too!

I know, the majority of us are girls here, but seriously...take your hubby, take your 12 year old son, whatever!
It's no Academy Award artsy film, but it's worth the price of admission, plus a corn and Pepsi on a balmy summer night.

Geek out.

I hear the special effects are quite good. Big crazy machines are OK with me! :headbang:

With the Star Wars movies I could care less about the mushy sub-plots, I liked the wild high-tech weapons! I claim to not be into military stuff, but that's a lie when it comes to weapons. I don't want to USE them, just revel in the technology. After seeing the Poiret exhibit the other day at the Met, I went to may favorite section of the museum - Arms & Armour.

The Matrix was cool because you had to THINK about what was going on - and the effects were great. I liked those crazy octopus sentry's that opened ships like giant can openers! :hysterical:

I normally don't watch Summer blockbusters, let alone most mainstream movies, but I want to see the rat movie, as it combines three of my favoite interests: food, animation, and RATS!

Otherwise, the new print of Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" from 1927 - which is historically noted as THE sci-fi flick - is up this week only at Film Forum and Woody Allen's "Manhattan" just got held over for another week at the same movie house, which makes me very happy cause I missed it last week. :USETHUMBUP:

To heck with the guys. I like explosions & car chases with guns blazing, too! :USEGUN:

I did not know this but there is a Transformers Convention that goes on each year - i guess people who played with the toys when they were first out kept collecting them. They usually had a couple hundred people (??) each year but expect a blockbuster crowd this time around.

So i guess get out your 80s Transformers T-shirts and put them on ebay - for October sales, i don't think there is too much vintage clothing that one could use to make a Transformer halloween costume this year....

Hmm....i do remember the hubcap and license plate purses and day planners from about 10-15 years ago though. That could be the ticket to be a lady Transformer for Halloween :)
We keep meaning to see it -- my DH and DD are chomping at the bit and I've been kinda stalling. I want to see it, but don't want to lose a couple hours, you know?
Yeah -- I have a hard time relaxing when I know there are other things to be done. *sigh*

But maybe we'll go check this out this afternoon. If we have any time. ;)