Thanks, Deb!
I edited this on Final Cut Pro. Actually, it's funny, I first learned to edit on 16mm film, and that was *much* easier than Final Cut! Final Cut is now the industry standard, but I almost had to go back and get another degree just to learn all the ins and outs of the software, LOL! So I wouldn't say that the software makes it easier - just a lot cheaper to do effects (like the little camera-flash transitions between the runway shots), and there aren't little pieces of film laying all around the room.
My camera is what is called a Prosumer camera - up until 7 or 8 years ago, to get broadcast quality video, you had to invest in a $30,000 - $40,000 camera. Now, Sony and Canon make affordable cameras that can produce broadcast quality video. They're more expensive than your average consumer camera, but a fraction of the cost of Betacam SP, the industry standard. Other than that, a Mac with Final Cut Pro was all I needed!
10 years ago, the technology I currently have would have cost over $100,000. Now, it's available to anyone for $6,000 - $7,000. Not bad, eh?
Wow, that was a ramble! More than you ever wanted to know, I'm sure!