My Christmas Present: Forties Fashion: From Siren Suits to the New Look


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I meant to post sooner on my Christmas present from DH, but I have been too busy reading it.

We had a small Christmas here, saving up for the big kitchen remodel. I am so glad this was my main present.

Forties Fashion: From Siren Suits to the New Look is a great book - stunning photos, well written text and it covers WWII fashions from all sides, as well as the varied rationing schemes.

see more here:

And the way the economy is going, a refresher course in Make Do and Mend may be in order!

Good work, Jonathan

I got this too for Christmas Hollis!

I told Paul several months ago that I wanted it and I was hoping that he would contact Jonathan, but he got it off
of Amazon instead.

I'm thrilled!!

My copy is waiting at home for me.

I left it in the shrinkwrap, just in case I needed a last-minute gift for someone.

It looks like I get to keep it! :clapping:
Forties Fashion was also my Fabulous Christmas Gift this year.
I saw Jonathans post offering the book shipped from the US last month; but not until 2 days after he departed Can. for US soil! I lamented to DH how much I would have enjoyed a signed copy of his book; so he found it @ Amazon, and also ordered me a book on ADRIAN.
Unfortunately, the ADRIAN was 'out of stock' from the supplier he picked, so shall have to try that one again, sometime!
Great Book!! Lovely Pics! Very Informative! (Just no author's signature...waaaa)
Lurker here...
I also got this book for Christmas, and LOVED it! I thought it covered a lot of ground not previously seen in other books and I read it from cover to cover in one go.
So, what's the next project Jonathan? I also found your Shoe book to be wonderful so I will be looking forward to your next book.
I always show it to my '40s loving customers - I hope my local bookshop is keeping up with the requests because the book sells itself! Thanks again, Jonathan - I've waited twenty years for a good book on my favourite era.
