my favorite zip

retro ruth

Staff member
Following on from trell's early zip question, I had to share my favourite zip, centre back of a late 30s / early 40s (I think) evening dress from my own wardrobe. Sadly missing a few stones. It says Czechoslovakia on the back of the zip. I love it!



Anyone else got a favourite fastening?! I'm such a nerd!

Is this an expensive dress? The stones are hand set; I wonder if they were set after the zip.

However, this is an exposed zip and not too difficult to sew. Claire
I don't know but I don't think so - it has no label, and though reasonably well made, not exceptionally so, might even be home made - the shoulder pads certainly were. The stones are only the zip - nowhere else on the dress. And as they are on the pull too - surely must have come with the zip?

Here's the back of the zip in case it's of interest. Not a great pic - daylight's gone so I used flash but you get the idea.

I sold one last yr, also late 30s with rhinestone zipper down front and on sleeves which could be made puffier by zipping all the way down.

Coo that's lovely second looks! I think it must have been because zips were so new and daring in clothing then, that they were made a feature of, rather than seen as something functional to hide away.

Here's my second favourite early zip - on the side of a 30s evening dress - not decorative but interesting because it's been made so that the teeth are covered by fabric when closed - an early hidden zip. It's called the Koh I Noor Kover Zip on the back of the pull - a zip named after a diamond!

Ruth, I've had a dress with that hidden zipper too. I couldn't figure it out: wondered if it was inside out or something, it just looks so odd!

Loving all these fabulous zippers ladies - thank you.
