My Little Baby Japanese Maple


VFG Member
VFG Past President
I have nursed this thing for about 7 years. Thought I had lost it several springs ago when it started blooming and then we had a late frost.

This is the first Fall it has turned all red!:wub:


and here is my burning bush which is just as big as the maple..


Fall is so nice.
That's really pretty. My grandparents had a beautiful red maple they planted when I was born. Even though they are both gone the tree is still there and it's just beautiful in the fall.
I LOVE japanese maple trees. Yours is so pretty.

When I moved in my house my neighbor gave me a wonderful Japanese Maple that he had bonsai'd and kept it in a planter. It was gorgeous. I left it outside and the next morning all that was left is the branches. Deer ate the whole thing. Now I have a plater with these small twigs sticking out of it--it's horrible!
I do have a large red Japanese maple on the side of my house...but I like them when they are kept smaller.

They do look so pretty in the fall. Here's a pic of the big one....I should go take a pic of the stick--it is pretty funny looking...

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