my mom, 40s fashion goddess, and blog spam... (Help!)


VFG Member
After 3 months of being too time-strapped (due to an ongoing family health crisis) to do much of anything but subsist from day to day, I finally breathed new life into (ie added a couple of new posts to) my blog Thursday and Friday, which felt really GOOD!

I really hope everyone will check them out (first two posts, at link is below), as they are basically a photo essay on my mom as a very chic teenager-thru-20 year old in the 40s & 50s. She sent me a slew of dated photos about a month ago, and I had a great time discovering more about who she was (and is!) through them.

Anyway, what didn't feel so good was discovering the 193 spam comments left by spam-bots at my dormant blog, and that about 75% of them were at least quasi-pornographic.

It took me about 15 minutes to delete it all, and now I see that I am still being hit to the tune of 3 or 4 off-color "comments" (with links thoughtfully provided) a day. Any ideas how to block this crap without forcing legit readers to register and get a passwork before leaving comments?

Especially now that my mom is associated with the blog, I'd really like to keep it G-rated!
Can you edit your preferences to make you approve all blog comments before they post? Blogger lets you do that - wordpress must have a way to do it too.

off to read...
Hi Carrie!

I was wondering where you have been lately. Nice to hear from you again. You have been missed!

Great blog entry! Your Mom is gorgeous and oh-so stylish! I love, love, love the late 40s Coat and trousers, and she pulls it off beautifully! Hey, your Dad aint to shabby either! What a good looking couple!!

Keep up the good work, and keep us posted. Hope someone can help you with the riff-raff who have nothing better to do than impose their perverted comments where they are not welcome.
Thanks so much for the kind words, Brenda! :wub: (Seems the more I learn about my folks, the prouder of them I become!)

Chris--the only options wordpress gives me are to 1) have people who want to leave comments required to register first, or 2) let anyone register.

When I had my preferences set to option #1, no one could leave a comment until I approved their registration and sent them a password! Since that seemed too much of a hassle to put would-be commentators through (not that I've had many since anyway...), I opted for option 2, which let in a few more "friends" than I intended...

Until I figure out if there's another option I'm just not seeing, guess I'll just go back to screening registrants (I just found a comment with a link to a teen porn site this evening... :mad: )
Carrie, I don't have a clue how you can go about preventing the spam, but I sure enjoyed reading your blog and
seeing the pics of your mom and Dad! What a beauty you
mom is!
