My MOST embarrassing moment to date


Registered Guest
I thought I share this with you, I done some stupid thing in my life but nothing like what happen this week end!

As you all know too well here I do wear ladies vintage fashion and modern fashions and prude of it, In my real life the number of people who know this is very limited especially with family and our mutual friends,
I keep it private partly as it's none of any one else business and also as some people do thing it's slightly odd, which they are entitled to think .
So I do not force this down on any one or try to campaign either way.

Any how this week end it snowed here like many places and I thought the garden gate padlocks were frozen up and not open up as normal, By mid morning I changed into a new outfit I had and started to take some photos in the garden and the snow.

Unfortunately my sister and her husband who had not the faintest idea about my hobby walking into the garden the padlock was not locked and I had not checked they found me like this,

All three of us was surprised and also embarrassed :help: especially them nothing really was said apart from a look of shock on there face, they did not say anything then and left very quickly..

Strangle afterward all I could think about was after the shock had died down some time "Did I look OK" and i was slightly disapaointed that they recconized me!,
In a subsequent email to me My sister was very nice about this saying it was a BIG shock seeing like this, would not say anything else, if I needed to talk they were there for me.

Initialy it was a moment of great embarrasment but it is all OK now between all of us which is nice.
In the next town we have a man who openly wears womans clothing. My son and I were in town and saw him and my son asked if that was a man. I said yes and that I liked his outfit... He said yes he was working it. We gave him two snaps up.....

This is who you are and what is there to be embarassed about. Life is too short....

Keep on Rockin it!!!

True it better it's more out in the open , maybe there would have been a better way for her to find out, but it's a subject that does not come up in conversation, so I did email her and explain it was in my case a hobby about my liking for fashions etc and not as often thought a wrong body or gender thing which she said she read and that I think reassure her.

mine up I was disappointed she recognized me lol, I did know that my sister not too keen on drag queens as in the theatres and thinks it a little odd.
mat be in time she would be more comfortable with me looking like this if the same happened again, I would hope so.
As you say life is too short and I did think the suit is my style.
Working in NYC I ran into lots of Drag Queens and regular crossdressers. It was part of the landscape.... I always thought it a great thing.... It would sad if we were all cookie cutter people all the same.....

I always wondered as a child why women could wear pants when it was frowned upon if men wore dresses or skirts. Later in college I took a great psych class that had a large portion of nature vs nurture in the curriculum and learned alot about gender programming. When it comes to the clothes that we are allowed to wear and the toys we are to play with as kids, it is very specific to which gender we are. Something programmed in our heads as children that has nothing to do with anything else other than society.

I say be who you are and wear what makes you happy. After all there was once a time when women just did not wear pants! I guess we can thank women like Katherine Hepburn and Lauren Bacall for going against the grain and paving the way for women in pants, and in your own right you can do the same for the opposite.:headbang:
I do have a thing for women with a skirt and boots lol, I think they can work so well together.

Going very deep here I did read on the web saying that gender is what your born with and been a women or man is a choose made later like you say Amber happens afterword maybe mothers dressing you in pink or blue becuse sociely says that's the way it should be.
personally i think I enjoying the best of both worlds.
I thought it was funny one day when I took my motorcycle to my children's school to volunteer at hot lunch. It was a little cool out so I had my chaps and jacket on. I parked in back (near our preschool entrance) and hopped of the bike. The morning preschoolers were leaving for the day with their moms and as I turned in their direction I noticed one mom wrap her arm around her 4 year old and pull her closer as I walked over. It was cute when the little girl said to her mom "that's Mrs. Hunt! She helps us in the library on Tuesdays! Mom relaxed after that. I guess when people just see us in one of our 'roles' they don't register that there is more to us than what they see.

Even though it may not have been the ideal way for your sister to discover your hobby it sounds as though it went all right ~ and now she can work toward understanding you, too, are more than what she is accustomed to seeing. And yes, that suit and boots ensemble are quite flattering to you :santa3:
Yes, one should certainly be able to enjoy the best of both worlds! It think it's great what you are doing!

I'm an only kid, and though I never was what you'd call a tomboy, I'm glad that my parents also gave me Lego (and Lego Technics) to play with, that dad would take me to the Swiss Transport Museum or help him with his model railway or go look at new cars at the local card dealer's on a Sunday and other such things. He reads these airplane-magazines - I even used read those too every now and then. I have become a little bit of a plane-freak too. It's just nice that I sit in an office where I can see the big planes taking off from Zurich Airport pretty closely... Here's one impatient gal who can't wait for the first A-380 to arrive here! (January 20th - keep my fingers crossed...) :lol: Not that any of the other girls in our office can quite understand me... they probably think I'm a bit of a nerd. So what...
I have two favorite cousins, with which I got along best as a child. One's a girl, one's a boy. With one I'd spend a weeks' holiday playing with Barbie or dress-up - with the other I'd play with Lego or even toy cars - or we'd go outside with our bikes and play being pirates. I am convinced that all this has helped me - and my life would be so much less interesting without it! I am ever so thankful to my parents that they brought me up in that way.

Just keep your mind open :bouncy: .

Sharon, I'd like to see a post of you in your chaps and jacket with bike! i remember you had some when you were teaching that class one summer... (safety, was it?) but i'd love to see you in full bike gear!!!

one of my best friends in HNL was an older, very fit, passive, intellectual man who rode in full gear (with fringe) ~ i would never have expected it from him, but at the same time, it TOTALLY suited him!!! it was an awesome look!!!

anyway, got pix, Sharon??
Awkward! Indeed, I agree with the others, it's good that your sister has now seen this side of your life and that she is ready to accept it. It is who you are and you need those close to you to know and accept this.

And I smiled when I read that you thought afterwards, "Did I look OK?"

Society still budges at accepting gay couples and your enjoyment of womens' fashion is not going to be mainstream for ages, so you have come to the right folks here.

We had one man in central Vermont who wore skirts and dresses. He annoyed the heck out of me because he liked the exact same clothes I did and we were always in competition with each other at rummage sales. !!
I can understand the shock factor for all of you, them seeing you:o and you being caught with the element of surprise. :o

I'm sure it will all work out for you and now just knowing that they are aware and that they have realized it is what you enjoy and there's no reason at all you that you should not. Just keep up your good spirits, Paul and do what you like, as everyone hear has stated and we all know, life is much too short:USETHUMBUP:
Originally posted by Jonathan
and my mother came into my room once when I was 'enjoying my own company'...

I learned that lesson, now I always knock before opening the door.
Knocking first, it is a mother's friend.
Originally posted by JulieW
Originally posted by Jonathan
and my mother came into my room once when I was 'enjoying my own company'...

I learned that lesson, now I always knock before opening the door.
Knocking first, it is a mother's friend.

Maybe not only a mothers friend :USETHUMBUP:
Thank you for all your support as always, nice to have freinds like you all.
You know, Paul, I would rather have had this sort of experience, speaking on the sister finding out about the brother's "secret", than the way I found out my brother was gay (well, for sure, we'd suspected).
We got that definitive answer from his partner when he (my bro) got gravely ill and was life flighted from one hospital to a bigger one. It was obvious to our family that they were in a caring relationship at that point. We would have rather found out under happy circumstances, though. It would be nice to have something to laugh about!

Surely she'd seen your collection? Who knows, maybe she'll accept it and go out vint hunting with you.
There are far worse things a gal can find out about a brother than that he has better gams than most chicks.
It's an awful burden to try and keep secrets about who we are from our family and friends. I certainly understand why people do, and you are right it's no one elses business but maybe this was a blessing in disguise? Now your sister knows an important part of who you are.

BTW I LOVE your response "Did I look OK?".

A little levity always makes any awkward situation better in my book. I have a feeling you and your sister might end up being even more close than you ever were.

And I love your smart little black suit with those boots :)

I think you look smashing in your outfit, and isn't it better now that your sis knows? Maybe not the best of ways to find out, but there are worse things to have been found out in worse ways!

I used to wish I'd been born a boy, not because of any sexual or gender issues, but because I loved to play sports, hated dolls & dresses, etc. I played cowboys & Indians with the neighborhood boys while most of the other girls played dollies. I was the penultimate tomboy, and that was hard growing up in the late 50s into the 60s. I could pass a football as well as any boy when I was in grade school, and was furious I couldn't participate in the punt, pass, and kick contests! Now, of course, girls can, but I was heartbroken that I couldn't. Thank God my parents supported me, and even tried to get the school to let me compete. Looking back on it, I supposed some might have thought I was AC/DC, but no--just different. But, not as different as boys were thought who liked to cook or sew. I'm glad the world is now more understanding of and accepting of differences.

So, viva la difference! And maybe you and your sis can go shopping together--that might be fun!
There certainly would be a better way of bringing it up, saying that alternative life styles is not a thing that crop up in conversation around the table, so I just let it lie.
I not to sure if we will ever go vintage shopping together she not the type of person to go looking for something on the off chance of finding it like I enjoy doing.
Who know! holiday periods are always a little full on and maybe when she had change to thing about it things maybe differed, but that's not a problem either way for me.

One the plus side if she ever sees me in a ladies fashion shop in the i will not have to think up of reason for been there!

Always an upside to every thing if you thing a little about it.