My Vintage clothes and accessories are victims of The Flood/Hurricane Sandy-Please Help!!


Registered Guest
Hi Everyone,I have adored this website for years.Please help.I sell vintage clothes(I also collect) Some of my inventory was flooded by Sandy.What is the best way to clean them so I may enjoy them once again! Thank You in advance! Shez
Hi Shezz,

I'm sorry to hear that - clothes are so easily damaged during flooding.

My first recommendation is make sure they're all dry - and then how they're cleaned will depend on the fabrics and the condition they're in, eg, if they have mildew, you need to kill that first and remove any staining.

Cleaning the rest will vary from machine washing, hand washing and dry cleaning, according to the fabrics.

I hope that helps and you can save them!
I'm sorry to hear that too.
I lost 99% of my collection plus most of what my family and I owned including family heirlooms/furniture/photos etc during the 2011 QLD Floods when 'volunteers' entered our house and removed almost everything (whether it was wet or not even near water)...without our permission or consent :(
The couple of items I still have have been unaffected. I just washed them the same as I usually do. One was handwashed and all are fine.
Rosa Burke - how awful for you! I'm sure you've looked into getting items back? Was it well meaning neighbours? It sounds awfully like you were robbed!

I hope insurance covered it but vintage items and family items are irreplaceable.
Hello Nicole

We did make a police report but no items have been returned. We are still in dispute with QBE our insurance company. The 'volunteers' were strangers. We weren't at the house or were elsewhere when a lot of our items went missing.

Our house is nearly 100 years old so has very high ceilings and I will never understand why the 'volunteers' removed a family portrait (wedding photo) taken in 1910 approx. It was h-u-g-e with a beautiful carved frame. My Grandmother (that is she in my avatar photo) was only 7-ish in that photo and it was the only photo we had of her (my fathers) side of the family. It is really missed as most our lost things are.

Unfortunately what happened to us wasn't uncommon. There are some horror stories...

On a brighter note in the last year or so I have been back restocking my collection...:)
My Grandmother (that is she in my avatar photo) was only 7-ish in that photo and it was the only photo we had of her (my fathers) side of the family. It is really missed as most our lost things are.

This broke my heart. Rosaburke, Maine Antiques Digest used to have, or maybe still has, a section on 'lost and found' where people post items that have gone missing or were stolen. I went to the site just now, but it has been reorganized and is huge, however, perhaps when you have a moment you can check...

Also, keep an eye on eBay for both the picture and the frame, as well as keep googling. Things often turn up in the oddest of places, and I have heard some good stories of recovery on both eBay and antique stores far removed from the item's place of origin. Good luck and all good wishes.
That's terrible Rosa, can't believe there are people who take advantage like that :( I pray you'll find your grandmother's picture. I would have called the local paper and reported it, with others who experienced the same thing perhaps something might have come of it.

Shezz, good luck cleaning your inventory, hope you save every last piece!
Oh Rosa, that is heartbreaking for you and your family.I am in Qld as well so I totally understand- and I too have heard horror stories if this kind of thing happening. It is so sad when the majority of volounteers during that time were 100% honest and would do anything to help people.
I know that many years ago while moving house to only a few streets away- the suburb was locked down due to a gas explosion- I had everything in the yard to make the multiple trips between houses easier. The next morning when the police allowed me back in, everything had gone- including family heirlooms. A picture I owned lost that night turned up a year later in a local antique shop -but I could not prove it was mine, so never got it back.
Thank You all for your kind words.I have courage again to try and clean them myself. Volunteers should be aware of what they are Throwing Out!! To them it could be junk,but we all know better.I took many things out of the garbage almost swooning on what was being thrown out.LOL-I was trying to save vintage silk scarves from the 50s/60s outside and I put them just for a minute on one of our garbage can lids and at that moment the garbage men came by and took my garbage-Which wasnt garbage. OUCH When we become vulnerable ,gas explosion/fire /flood there are people out there waiting to pounce. So sorry to all . Thank You again for so much support! Sheri
OMG Gayle, can't imagine how you felt seeing that picture in the shop. I've never heard of stories like these during natural disasters but sadly, I'm sure it happens everywhere. The news is always filled with stories about the destruction and the heroes - now I know what they don't tell us. :flaming:

Holy Sheri, it just keeps getting worse for you doesn't it? I'm so sorry for all that you've been through recently and can only hope there's a rainbow at the end waiting for you. :)
Just saw this and wanted to say how sorry I am for all who have lost items.
Hindsight but photos should be taken of heirlooms and a copy sent to another family member or other person outside of the area. So many weather related things lately it seems.
Photos can be salvaged if flooded if treated as soon as possible.
I cannot put a link here but ehow has a page that shows the steps.
How to Restore Old Photos That Have had water damage.
Rosa, I am sure they wanted the frame. I would definitely write a blog or paste that photo of her around the internet. So sorry.
I have begun trying to salvage my photos. My vintage clothes ,I will be washing piece by piece.I guess I will be done sometime next year!!! Happy New Year to everyone! Here is to 2013!!! Sheri
Thank you for all your kind words and advice (which I will follow through where I can) and best wishes on a speedy recovery Sheri.
Hi! I am back with a new question.I must have had a staple in some of the dresses and I now have a rust stain.Small but it is there. Can I get this out?? If so please please tell me how. Thanks in advance!! Sheri